Transforming Treatment in Immunology

Living at the crossroads of precision medicine and AI,    Scipher Medicine is a precision immunology company on a mission to match each patient with their most effective therapy.

The treatment pathway for patients with immunological diseases is broken. It lacks precision and personalization, relies on trial and error, and leaves patients suffering in silence while enduring ineffective drug therapies.


There is a Better Way

Powerful & Proprietary Platform

We combined the mapping of hundreds of thousands of protein interactions in human cells, one of the largest molecular data registries in autoimmune diseases, and unique AI algorithms to create solutions that help patients reach their treatment goals sooner.

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Molecular samples collected from autoimmune patients

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Years of research in understanding how expressed proteins interact to cause disease and respond to targeted therapies


Clinical data on over 300K patients across autoimmune disease states


Scipher’s Unparalleled Patient Data Bank and our Spectra AI
Platform are Revolutionizing…


Therapy Selection

Therapy selection based on identified biomarkers

The molecular signature of a patient’s unique disease biology can determine which drug will target their disease, allowing providers to make the optimal therapy decision to reach treatment goals.

The development
and commercialization
of Drug Treatments

Vast data sets provide the foundation to research studies and clinical insights, while precision analytics drive optimized sales targeting and engagement.

Precision analytics and insights drive commercialization of targeted therapies

Vast data sets provide the foundation to research studies and clinical insights, while precision analytics drive optimized sales targeting and engagement.

Vials and pipette

Data Insights

Microscope with samples

AI Driven Discovery

Network biology & AI enable precision immunology 

An ever-growing database of real world clinico-genomic data enables the application of network based AI in the development of biomarkers and precision therapeutics.


We partner across the healthcare industry