A Proteome-Scale Map of the Human Interactome Network

A Proteome-Scale Map of the Human Interactome Network

Thomas Rolland, Murat Tasxan, Benoit Charloteaux, Samuel J. Pevzner, Quan Zhong, Nidhi Sahni, Song Yi, Irma Lemmens, Celia Fontanillo, Roberto Mosca, Atanas Kamburov, Susan D. Ghiassian, Xinping Yang, Lila Ghamsari, Dawit Balcha, Bridget E. Begg, Pascal Braun, Marc...
Developing New Drug Treatments in the Era of Network Medicine

Developing New Drug Treatments in the Era of Network Medicine

Published in American Society for Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics  Clin Pharmacol Ther. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2013 January 15.Published in final edited form as:Clin Pharmacol Ther. 2013 January ; 93(1): 26–28....